inclusive of P&P.
Issues 1 - 159
have a new navigation system with authors index, linking authors directly to their articles. The drop down menu system gives you greatly expanded return options from every article in the collection. You can view the pages of these issues on your computer as they appeared in print and incorporating a few extra advantages:
Colour photos have been used where available
Powerful searchable database
An indexing section linking every article & magazine
An authors section linking their articles
The disc contains an introduction which allows you to browse all the contents of each magazine and you are able link directly to the magazine or even go directly to any of the article or interviews. We have made it possible for you to return to the introduction from any page of the magazines and have also provided individual indexing within each magazine.
All of the pages take advantage of Adobe Acrobats articles feature which allows you to follow and read any article purely by scrolling, very useful for reading directly off the screen
Powerful Searchable Database
These magazines have been tuned into a powerful searchable database. Acrobat Reader can perform full-text searches of PDF document collections. The Search command also has powerful tools for limiting and expanding the definition of the term for which you are searching. The text can be a single word, a number, a term, or a phrase. The results are listed in rank order in the Search Results. This feature really ads value to the collection of back issues
We have been able to incorporate colour photos where available making many of the earlier black and white magazines have approximately 50% of there content in colour. Since issue 100 all the pages in the magazine have been produced in colour.