Shotokan Karate Magazine Issue 31

Featuring  MASAO KAGAWA 6th DAN J.K.A.

May 1992

Shotokan Karate Magazine Issue 31

May 1992

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MASAO KAGAWA. World Shotokan Champion. Interview By John Cheetham.

Senseis Asai, Yamaguchi, Kato & Kagawa. York Course Report.

Letters to the editor.

MIKIO YAHARA - 'Portrait of a Legend'. By John Cheetham.

Secondary Elements of Kata. By Steve Hyland.

Kase, Shirai, Kawasoe & Naito. U.K.T.K.F. Course Report.

Weight Changing - 'The spare leg theory' By John Cheetham.

S.E.K.U. News and Events. By Vanessa St. Clair.

EDITORIAL By John Cheetham.

Having recently spent some time in the company of World Shotokan Champion, MASAO KAGAWA, I'd like to tell readers that apart from being an unbelievable Karate technician and fighter, he is also a 'gentleman' in the true sense of the word. He is such a relaxed, unassuming man with incredible talent. When I told him about an article I've done for this issue, 'Weight Changing, The Spare Leg Theory', he insisted on doing all the photo's to accompany the text. The reason being that this is exactly what he teaches in basic movements, and believe me, not many can move like KAGAWA!

In the last issue, I said that people were fed up with reading about the split at the J.K.A. (JAPAN KARATE ASSOCIATION). Well, I had many, many letters saying just the opposite, as you will see by the Letters Page. So, two letters appear once again, one from each faction of the split. I feel it's still the same old argument

Also in the last issue, I did a book review on 'Stretching Scientifically', but did not know where to get the book from. That is now remedied. The sole U.K. distributors for the book, ASIAN PUBLISHING, are advertising in this issue, and they very kindly sent me the video which is a marvellous complement to the book. This is excellent material on 'Flexibility' training - first class stuff!

Another book just published of special interest to SHOTOKAN practitioners is 'TRAINING WITH FUNAKOSHI' by Dr. Clive Layton. A book about the founder of our style is always worth a read and I highly recommend this 'cracking' little book on 'SHOTO', Master GICHIN FUNAKOSHI.
The profiles and stories on the Japanese Masters in the last issue proved very, very popular, so once again we feature a senior and infamous character in this issue, MIKIO YAHARA, one of the toughest men to come out of the J.K.A. - not just a brilliant fighter, but also a dynamic KATA performer. Read what Sensei KAGAWA has to say about YAHARA, his sempai (senior). It ties in with his 'message' to students.

I think you'll find Steve Hyland's technical piece 'SECONDARY ELEMENTS OF KATA' an excellent follow-on from his article in the last issue, 'SECONDARY ELEMENTS OF KUMITE'. Steve is a very popular writer for S.K.M. judging by readers' letters and comments

I hope you enjoy this issue. I think you will! Editor

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The magazine has been published since November 1984. Because it is a very specialised and Traditional magazine we only publish each quarter (March - June - September - December) . We do pride ourselves on featuring the most senior and famous Shotokan Senseis in the world in the magazine and it is totally non-political, we feature everyone from all the various organisations.
